Awards are open to Poetry Society of America members for free.
The fees for non-members are: single poem awards $10, multiple poem awards are $15.
Personal identification cannot appear in the submission document anywhere, including in the file name.
Only one entry per award.
You cannot submit the same poem to more than one award.
The exception: Individual poems submitted to the Alice Fay Di Castagnola Award or Robert H. Winner Award may be submitted to another PSA award.
The submission must not have been previously published or accepted for publication.
The exception: Individual poems submitted to the Alice Fay Di Castagnola Award and the Robert Winner Award may have been published.
Simultaneous submissions are fine; if the poem is accepted elsewhere for publication, please withdraw the submission.
Submissions written by more than one author are not eligible.
Translations are not eligible. All poems must be original and primarily in English.
A poem that has previously won a Poetry Society of America award cannot be resubmitted to any of the awards.
We cannot accept corrections after submission.
Submissions from Poetry Society employees, officers, advisory board committee members, or their immediate families are ineligible.
All submissions are judged anonymously.