In 2012 the Sam & Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts opened its doors to a one-of a-kind artist residency for artists working in paint. In the beautiful rolling hills of central New York and just several hundred yards from the Golden Artist Colors manufacturing facility, a 19th century barn has been transformed into a 21st century artist residency, with large studio spaces and private apartments for each artist. Artists-in-residence will participate in a completely unique opportunity to explore the widest, most innovative range of materials and technology available today for professional artists working with paint.
The Golden Foundation Residency Program is specifically designed to assist the professional artist in discovering and exploring a wide array of materials and technologies available today.
The 18 artists are selected through a competitive selection process. Portfolios of submitted images will be judged by an independent committee comprised of highly regarded art professionals. During this first round, artists will be selected solely on the basis of their portfolio. References will be contacted for those artists in the final round.
General Applicant Restrictions:
The residency is restricted to professional artists, 25 years of age or older, working in paint.
The Golden Foundation Residency does not accept applications from commercial artists (commissions or projects ordered by others).
The Golden Foundation Residency does not fund travel or food expenses.